Hi Folks.
Well things progress and change. So have I.
I've finally done what I should have done ages ago and set up my own website for my writing.
My blog is moving there too and, hopefully, I will get back to regular posts.
If you want to keep following then you can find me here.
I shall keep this blog open for posterity.
Sharp Pencils
Just another aspiring screenwriter getting a headache as she tries to headbutt her way in.
Saturday, 17 June 2017
Sunday, 20 September 2015
Me and ME and the Writing Flea.
I have been quiet, haven't I? Well it seems I won the Cancer war but
it left me with a few scars.
One of these is that I now have ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis). Another is a dead patch on my brain which puzzles the medical team but doesn’t give me any bother so we are all ignoring it for now.
I have been told ME is very common after a long battle with Cancer. However seeing all my friends recovering and getting back to relative normality has been hard to take.
So what did I do? I was my usual bloody minded self and fought it. The more I fought the worse it got. I tried to return to work full time and kept failing. My writing ground to a halt. I repeatedly fell ill. I became more and more exhausted. Everything went pear shaped.
It was reality check time. I now work part time, as and when I can. I have cut everything from my life that was not necessary or was a drain. I have learnt to ask for help and to pace myself. Only one task a day, if that.
The good news is that it should go. The bad news is that it might be 1 year, it might be 10.
Thankfully I am surrounded by family, friends and colleagues who are really supportive. I have also discovered other Cancer survivors online who are going through what I am enduring. I am not alone.
So how does all this relate to my writing?
Well the obvious thing is that when I am too tired to work I am also too tired to write so my output has severely reduced.
Now I could have got down in the dumps about this. Instead I have just readjusted my targets. If I manage one good script a year then it is better than making myself ill trying to force out four rubbish ones. I have learnt to concentrate on quality rather than quantity.
I love to write. It is the best feeling when your ideas start cascading off each other and a script comes together. Not in the first draft but in the 4th or 5th.
I will not let ME stop me writing. Don't let life stop you doing what you love either.
Oh and the flea? OK. There is no flea. But if you are really good boys and girls I will write a story about one next time
One of these is that I now have ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis). Another is a dead patch on my brain which puzzles the medical team but doesn’t give me any bother so we are all ignoring it for now.
I have been told ME is very common after a long battle with Cancer. However seeing all my friends recovering and getting back to relative normality has been hard to take.
So what did I do? I was my usual bloody minded self and fought it. The more I fought the worse it got. I tried to return to work full time and kept failing. My writing ground to a halt. I repeatedly fell ill. I became more and more exhausted. Everything went pear shaped.
It was reality check time. I now work part time, as and when I can. I have cut everything from my life that was not necessary or was a drain. I have learnt to ask for help and to pace myself. Only one task a day, if that.
The good news is that it should go. The bad news is that it might be 1 year, it might be 10.
Thankfully I am surrounded by family, friends and colleagues who are really supportive. I have also discovered other Cancer survivors online who are going through what I am enduring. I am not alone.
So how does all this relate to my writing?
Well the obvious thing is that when I am too tired to work I am also too tired to write so my output has severely reduced.
Now I could have got down in the dumps about this. Instead I have just readjusted my targets. If I manage one good script a year then it is better than making myself ill trying to force out four rubbish ones. I have learnt to concentrate on quality rather than quantity.
I love to write. It is the best feeling when your ideas start cascading off each other and a script comes together. Not in the first draft but in the 4th or 5th.
I will not let ME stop me writing. Don't let life stop you doing what you love either.
Oh and the flea? OK. There is no flea. But if you are really good boys and girls I will write a story about one next time
Friday, 2 January 2015
LSF 2014 Part 2: What did I do?
See Part 1 for information on the event in general.
So what did I actually do?
Well the event starts before the weekend with special day
sessions. Because this was my first time I attended Pilar Alessandra’s Pitching Thursday
which is a crash course on getting that pitch trim and fit. Wish there was
something like that for New Year slimming. I then used that information through
the week.

Each lab gives specialist mentoring for six people. The lab lasts 3hrs on the day but starts before
the weekend and continues after. Readers do the short list of 12 then the
Mentor selects the six they want.
I got
selected for Steve La Rue’s Fantastical TV. It was amazing and allowed me to
refine my pitch and rework my script some more. Steve was inspirational and
funny and made us all relaxed.
I did a Script Doctor session to discuss my script. These
are run by Euroscript. The 1-2-1 slots went very fast but they then opened some
where you share with three others and I did that. A good hour spent with Paul Bassett Davies who gave me great advice on my series structure.
THE BIG ONE - Pitchfest:

There are about 2.7 people for each pitch table so you do
need to queue a bit. I managed 6 people in the session because everyone raced
into the middle of the room at the start and missed the tables at the front. I
therefore managed to pitch them both in the first 5 mins! Yes it is possible.
We even had time for a bit of a chat too.
Of the 6 I pitched I got one polite no, 5 took my one pagers
and 2 asking me to send scripts when ready. One of the one pagers has come back
with a “not for us” and I thanked them for considering me. I had gone to the
session thinking of it as a learning exercise because I hadn’t done it before
so that response was wonderful. One even told me I had a great pitch. I came
out of the session buzzing.
Now this event really does need preparation. The organisers
release information on the people you can pitch to as they book in. Because of
business commitments this changes all the time with people changing slots,
adding or leaving the event.
Keep track of who will be there and in what slot. Work out
which slot will be best for what you are planning to pitch. Many of us resorted
to spreadsheets with scoring systems for how much you wanted to talk to them
and how many of your projects fitted what they did.
RESEARCH the people so you know who they are and what they
do. There will be reminders at each table but think of them as memory joggers.
There will be executives, producers, directors and agents at each session. They
will be looking for different things.
The big boys (Sky, BBC, etc) turn up on Friday. I went for
Saturday which had more independent producers. Sunday is the quietest and
friendliest day. Many who are there on Saturday also go to Sunday. Don’t assume
your best chance is with the big boys. From the feedback I got those of us who
went on Saturday got more positive responses.
Once you have that sorted in your head the next thing is the
race to apply for slots. They all went in 10mins. You need to be online ready
for when the slots are released and work fast! I was on the chatroom with many
of the others singing The Final Countdown, thanks Chris, before we dived over.
REMEMBER TO REFRESH THE PAGE when the zero hour arrives.
If you get your slot then well done. I danced round the room when my one was
confirmed. If you don’t get the slot
then don’t despair. Some people book but never turn up or cancel so keep in
touch with the organisers. Some people will also swap because they may not have got the slot they wanted.
If you get a slot but not the one you wanted do not despair.
The people in the room may surprise you. Be flexible. Pitch anyway. Several I pitched to had a
wider interest than was in their blurb and asked me to pitch one I thought they
wouldn’t want. Remember to have fun too.
Events I missed?
The Actors Table Reads done by professional actors and
directors. You submit your sample and they select you. Professional actors and
directors do the reads. I kept doing a double take seeing familiar faces
walking down the corridors. Note you can only attend if you have one of the
selected scripts in the slot.
The Legal Labs where you book a slot to discuss legal issues
about your writing
Pitch Factor. You put £5 in the hat then go on stage and
pitch to a panel of Hollywood bigwigs. If you win you get the hat. I had
planned on doing this but was too exhausted to stay. Maybe next year.
Elevator Pitch: You have the time it takes to go up and down
in the lift (90sec tops) to pitch and get the card. You have no idea who is in
there. I arrived too late so missed pitching to Joel Schumaker. Note that
15mins before it starts is already too late. I missed getting a place by one
person. Again next time.
This is not a comprehensive list of events but hopefully gives you a taste of what happens in a very busy weekend.
So don't be scared. Give it a go. Everyone will do something embarrassing at one point during the weekend. My embarrassing moment was to be too tired at the end of the day to read "Go away we are talking" vibes from two guest speakers. They must have thought I was so rude as I hovered. Eventually my brain cranked back into gear and I slunk off blushing. I still cringe about it now and hope they don't think I am some kind of weirdo. I witnessed others too but you pick yourself up and carry on with consoling pats on the back from the writers round you.
I would like to thank the LSF team who worked so hard through the year to organise this event. I know they were working long hours the week leading up to it and I was amazed how they kept smiling through the weekend too.
Hope to
see you there next year, feel free to say hello, and remember to have FUN!!!
LSF 2014 Part 1: What is it?
Well it seems ages ago I said I would keep you posted on the
London Screenwriting Festival 2014. I now know why people rarely blog while
they are there. It is EXHAUSTING! There is so much to do from early in the
morning until late at night.
Because I am still recovering from my treatment I could not
manage a full day and had to take frequent rests. Even so I got so much out of
it I have already bought my ticket for next year.
So what is it?
You probably know it
is an annual event from Friday to Sunday in October run by and
dedicated to writers. The day lasts from 8am to 7.30pm followed by networking
events until late. You can get your ticket in one payment or instalments and they are going fast. See details here.
It takes place in the beautiful Regents University, sat in the
corner of Regents Park behind Madam Tussaud's. The venue is a quadrangle of
buildings and two marquees so everything is in easy reach. There were delegates
with a range of mobility issues and we all got the help we needed so no-one
missed out.
There are about 700 delegates and 100 speakers but it does
not seem crowded except for the odd rush to the next session. There are lots of
volunteers to help you get around (yes I got lost on the first morning). Everyone
is approachable. Most speakers come and mix with the rest of us when they are
not on stage.
I am actually quite shy when surrounded by strangers, stop snickering at the back, but
decided to dive in and chat to everyone. First person I spoke to was in a café queue
on the first morning. Sarah Gilani and I are now friends and she was a great intro to
networking. I was therefore brave enough to keep at it.
So I practised pitches with fellow delegates in the canteen,
shared jokes in the queues, thanked speakers for their presentations when I
bumped into them, handed cards to anyone who couldn’t run away fast enough, sat
and chilled in the quadrangle while people popped by to chat (some old friends
and some became new friends).

I met some fascinating people. Some were
already making their own films, some had years of experience and were happy to
share, some were just starting out, some had been banging their heads against
the wall for years and came away with ideas for how to demolish it. I was also surprised how far people had travelled to get to the event. They were from all over the world which shows how much people value the event. Even those in the US that could get to LA.
What happens?
There are presentations all through the day, four at a time.
Some are showings of films while you discuss them with the writers
– I attended Lost Boys with Joel Schumacher and Silence of the Lambs with Ted Tally but missed Finding Nemo with David Reynolds.
Some are discussions within the panel. Others have a lot of
interaction with the audience. Usually the presenters then move to a separate
room after for a script chat. You can talk to them with only 10 or so other
people there. I sat next to John Lloyd!!!
There was so much information given out. Some recorded for later viewing, some edited out or not recorded at all that contained juicy gossip or to protect ideas.
The speakers are all really approachable through the
weekend. I chatted to quite a few. To make the most of it you have to lose the
fear and talk to anyone. I made lots of new friends and met up with old ones.
lots of cards. I took 300 and must have
given out about 200.
Attendee site
So you can keep up to date on what is going on and get to
know people. There is the LSFConnect site. I used the group area a lot.
I am in “Them There Northerners”, a great bunch
of supportive writers but there are now similar groups for many areas of Britain and for abroad too. You can help each other prepare before the event. “Noobies” is for first times but also has regulars there
to give advice. Without Dee Chilton and Liz Holliday I would have missed a lot of what is going
on. There are also groups for Radio, Comedy, etc.

Most important is planning, planning, planning. Treat it
like a military operation. If you want
to meet someone specific then get in touch beforehand and arrange to meet or
you will keep missing each other. It took 2 days to meet one of my friends and
another only found me just before she had to leave.
Part 2 will tell you about the extra events and what I
actually did.
Sunday, 19 October 2014
Can't Stop Buzzing - LSF Nearly Here!!!!
Only 5 sleeps until LSF. It will be a busy weekend.
I am going to Pitching Thursday hosted by Pilar Alessandra so she can knock my pitches into shape. I wanted to pitch everything but common-sense kicked in. Better to do a few well than loads poorly.
Next will be Advanced Mentoring Scriptlabs. I am one of six selected for "Creating Fantastical TV" with Steve La Rue. The others are Alexandru Ruchelaru, Amy Amani, Cera-Rose Pickering, David Young and Keith Storrier. We are already chatting to each other. Well they told us to bond. Their projects look really awesome!
I managed to get a Script Surgery session with Euroscript. It is a shared slot with two others but I don't mind that. More input. I need help on my Famous 5 meets Shameless project to make sure my tone is OK for a family slot.
By some miracle I got the pitching slot I wanted. Amazed the LSF servers didn't crash with all those hits but they worked their hearts out to keep it going. My slot is one of the busiest but I aim to avoid the long queues that can happen when everyone goes to one table. After all everyone is going to be interesting to talk to. Plus, as my kids say, "Mum doesn't do queues."
Oh and I am going for the Elevator Pitch. You have only got the time from when you enter the lift to getting out to pitch to someone interesting. You don't know who they are until you step inside but new people are always interesting.
Squeezed between all of that there are a whole bunch of presentations and discussions. There will be some difficult choices on which to go for. I also need to remember to rest and eat. I still get tired very easily. It won't be wasted time because there will be even more people to chat to there. Yes I do love to chat.
If you are going then I'll see you there, somewhere in the crowd of 800. I will be the mad hair lady wielding a stick. If you are not going then I will let you know on here what happens and make sure you go NEXT YEAR!!!
I am going to Pitching Thursday hosted by Pilar Alessandra so she can knock my pitches into shape. I wanted to pitch everything but common-sense kicked in. Better to do a few well than loads poorly.
Next will be Advanced Mentoring Scriptlabs. I am one of six selected for "Creating Fantastical TV" with Steve La Rue. The others are Alexandru Ruchelaru, Amy Amani, Cera-Rose Pickering, David Young and Keith Storrier. We are already chatting to each other. Well they told us to bond. Their projects look really awesome!
I managed to get a Script Surgery session with Euroscript. It is a shared slot with two others but I don't mind that. More input. I need help on my Famous 5 meets Shameless project to make sure my tone is OK for a family slot.
By some miracle I got the pitching slot I wanted. Amazed the LSF servers didn't crash with all those hits but they worked their hearts out to keep it going. My slot is one of the busiest but I aim to avoid the long queues that can happen when everyone goes to one table. After all everyone is going to be interesting to talk to. Plus, as my kids say, "Mum doesn't do queues."
Oh and I am going for the Elevator Pitch. You have only got the time from when you enter the lift to getting out to pitch to someone interesting. You don't know who they are until you step inside but new people are always interesting.
Squeezed between all of that there are a whole bunch of presentations and discussions. There will be some difficult choices on which to go for. I also need to remember to rest and eat. I still get tired very easily. It won't be wasted time because there will be even more people to chat to there. Yes I do love to chat.
If you are going then I'll see you there, somewhere in the crowd of 800. I will be the mad hair lady wielding a stick. If you are not going then I will let you know on here what happens and make sure you go NEXT YEAR!!!
Monday, 6 October 2014
LSF is nearly here.
Hmm. Been a while since my last post. So what have I been doing?
Well I have a new profile photo. I am using it on all my social media sites so you will know when you have found me. I was going to do a fancy pose but that really isn't me so I went for the natural look.
If you haven't noticed there is a list on the left of Sages and Sinners. Take a look to find a bunch of friendly writing bloggers. Blogging went very quiet for a few years with people moving to Facebook, Twitter, etc. The lively debates still tend to be on those sites but people are returning to blogging when they have something to say. So do take a look at the interesting people to your left.
Unsure whether I should put my one page pitches up on this site. Some people worry that the ideas would be stolen. Others think it is an easy way for people to find out what you write and if they are interested. Hmmm. Maybe I will just put up a logline and people can contact me for more details. I shall have a think.
The script reading session at TBTL was last month. This was organised by NCS and Mary Papadima (Assistant Director at TBTL) and the theatre's resident Summer actors. I submitted the first act of a film script and got lots of feedback from that. Take note, if you ask actors to let rip on feedback they will. It was brutal but constructive. Just as well I am not a delicate flower.
I knew my characters in my head but wanted to see how they came across on the page and their relationships. They clearly needed some more work. However I came away with lots of ideas for developing the script. Really worth getting a script-in-hand reading of your work if you can.
Planned to put a nice picture here but the internet is currently slower than dial-up and won't play ball. So imagine your favourite image tucked in just about here. No naughty stuff mind. I will know.
Now to the LSF. I didn't make the final 5 for the scriptangel mentoring scheme but chuffed I got to the final 20. I didn't mope. I got it submitted for a different feedback scheme.
There was a lovely gathering of Them There Northerners in Liverpool. It was wonderful to meet them all in the real world. A really supportive crowd. Yvonne Grace and Lisa Holdsworth helped us knock our pitches into shape ready for LSF. They had really helpful advice which I have implemented in my pitches and scripts.
Business cards are sorted and I am narrowing down which PitchFest session I will be trying for. Now it is a case of tidying up my top three scripts and making my pitches as efficient as possible. But they still need to be chatty. I prefer to chat than recite.
Really excited about the event. I am not going expecting to sell a script or get an agent. I going to learn and to network with a lot of lovely people. So. I'd better get some writing done now.
Well I have a new profile photo. I am using it on all my social media sites so you will know when you have found me. I was going to do a fancy pose but that really isn't me so I went for the natural look.
If you haven't noticed there is a list on the left of Sages and Sinners. Take a look to find a bunch of friendly writing bloggers. Blogging went very quiet for a few years with people moving to Facebook, Twitter, etc. The lively debates still tend to be on those sites but people are returning to blogging when they have something to say. So do take a look at the interesting people to your left.
Unsure whether I should put my one page pitches up on this site. Some people worry that the ideas would be stolen. Others think it is an easy way for people to find out what you write and if they are interested. Hmmm. Maybe I will just put up a logline and people can contact me for more details. I shall have a think.
The script reading session at TBTL was last month. This was organised by NCS and Mary Papadima (Assistant Director at TBTL) and the theatre's resident Summer actors. I submitted the first act of a film script and got lots of feedback from that. Take note, if you ask actors to let rip on feedback they will. It was brutal but constructive. Just as well I am not a delicate flower.
I knew my characters in my head but wanted to see how they came across on the page and their relationships. They clearly needed some more work. However I came away with lots of ideas for developing the script. Really worth getting a script-in-hand reading of your work if you can.
Planned to put a nice picture here but the internet is currently slower than dial-up and won't play ball. So imagine your favourite image tucked in just about here. No naughty stuff mind. I will know.
Now to the LSF. I didn't make the final 5 for the scriptangel mentoring scheme but chuffed I got to the final 20. I didn't mope. I got it submitted for a different feedback scheme.
There was a lovely gathering of Them There Northerners in Liverpool. It was wonderful to meet them all in the real world. A really supportive crowd. Yvonne Grace and Lisa Holdsworth helped us knock our pitches into shape ready for LSF. They had really helpful advice which I have implemented in my pitches and scripts.
Business cards are sorted and I am narrowing down which PitchFest session I will be trying for. Now it is a case of tidying up my top three scripts and making my pitches as efficient as possible. But they still need to be chatty. I prefer to chat than recite.
Really excited about the event. I am not going expecting to sell a script or get an agent. I going to learn and to network with a lot of lovely people. So. I'd better get some writing done now.
Friday, 5 September 2014
London Screenwriting Festival is drawing near.

Well I have been keeping busy getting ready for LSF, when I am not being my alter-ego. There are still tickets available so get there if you can.
Things are hotting up as labs, script readings and mentoring schemes come on line. I want to make the most of my time there so am applying for as much as I can. This means getting loglines, one page pitches and scripts up to scratch.
I heard yesterday that I got through the first stage for a mentoring programme. Delighted to see I knew quite a few of the others that got through too. Next week the group of 20 gets reduced to a group of 5. So that is 20 writers holding their breath. Does it seem quieter?
I won't have a fully developed script for all my projects but I aim to have good pitches ready for all of them. Them There Northerners, one of the LSF groups are having a gathering in just over a week. We will be helping each other get ready with the assistance of some lovely mentors.
That is the nice thing about the writing community. You pull each other up rather than pushing each other down. I am just as chuffed at a friend getting an opportunity as when I do. Well maybe a little less but only a little.
This will be my first time at the festival. I have wanted to go since it started but my day job always clashed with it. This year, no clash. Yay.
Like a lot of writers there I will be hoping to write a post on each day. From what I have seen for previous years I may be too exhausted to do it. But I will try.
And what am I doing right now? Well I have the first act of a horror film, Symbiosis, being workshopped at the Theatre by the Lakes. I do enjoy seeing what directors and actors do with a script. Quite excited. I'll let you know how it goes.
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