Tuesday 9 December 2008

I turn my back for a minute and...

I go off line for a while thinking -bit quiet, good time to make tea. Come back and find you've all been busy posting and now I've got a mad catch up to do. By the way Jason, notice no "" or even '' used in that first sentence. If you're checking for miscreants.

So what have you all been up to? Seems some kind of drunken gathering from Jason's post. How come those that put their photos on their blogs look completely different in their candid shots? Anyway I note Sheikspear stayed sober enough to tell us what actually happened at the writersroom do. Thanks chuck.

Rob has done his write-up on Survivors and it felt like Deja-vu with similar comments flying round our car as we navigated rabid sheep.

I didn't get chosen for Son of a Pitch and now I find I won't experience the Screenwriters Festival on a balmy July day at a posh house. Instead it is moving to a posh school in October. Back to 4 days too and the discount tickets are now up for grabs. It's planning a bunch of stuff just on DR WHO!!!! Did any of you catch that. Weeee!

And those of us North of the country have the Alfred Bradley Bursary to try for. There are workshops too. Note the Keswick one has been showing the wrong time on the link above. It is actually 6pm to 7.30pm.

Anyway I'll wind up for now cos I've all your posts to read. Oh and maybe a bit of writing will get done too.

1 comment:

Gareth Michael Turpie said...

Don't stay away so long next time!